Product Details
ITS Python
GMetrix Tests

Students preparing for the ITS Python exam should be able to recognize and write syntactically correct Python code, recognize data types supported by Python, and recognize and write Python code that will logically solve a given problem.

GMetrix practice exams are designed to expose students to hands-on experience with the Python programming language, features, capabilities, writing, debugging, and maintaining well-formed, well documented Python code.


  • Operations using Data Types and Operators
  • Flow Control with Decisions and Loops
  • Input and Output Operations
  • Code Documentation and Structure
  • Troubleshooting and Error Handling
  • Operations using Modules and Tools


2 practice tests 


  • Internet Explorer 9 or later, Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari
  • High-speed Internet connection
  • Prior coursework or experience with Python recommended


These practice tests prepare users for the official ITS Python certification exam.


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